Easter 2024 Activities

Antigua and Barbuda is considered a Christian nation and as such Easter is celebrated and revered.  Easter is deemed the culmination of the death and resurrection of Jesus (God’s Son) on the 3rd day. The date for Easter varies and is determined by The Christian Ecclesiastical Calendar (it can fall between March and April of any given year). In Antigua and Barbuda, Easter is celebrated with two public holidays- Good Friday and Easter Monday. This year the dates for the holidays are:

  • Good Friday: 29 March, 2024.
  • Easter Monday: 1 April, 2024.

Good Friday Activities

1. Church Services and Worship Gatherings

Traditionally, Antiguans and Barbudans attend church services and worship gatherings on a Good Friday , where they reflect on the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. From traditional Anglican services to vibrant Pentecostal celebrations, churches across Antigua and Barbuda host a variety of religious observances that invite believers to come together in prayer and contemplation. These services often feature scripture readings, hymns, and sermons that focus on the themes of sacrifice, redemption, and forgiveness.

2. Moments of Silence and Meditation

For many Antiguans and Barbudans, Good Friday is a day of quiet reflection and contemplation. In the midst of the bustling holiday season, individuals take time to pause and meditate on the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, seeking spiritual renewal and inner peace. Whether in the serene surroundings of a church sanctuary or the tranquility of a secluded beach, these moments of silence offer an opportunity for personal introspection and connection with the divine.

3. Giving Back to the Community

Good Friday is also a time for Antiguans and Barbudans to engage in acts of compassion and charity, embodying the spirit of selflessness and service exemplified by Jesus Christ. From volunteering at local soup kitchens to organizing food drives and outreach programs, communities come together to support those in need and alleviate suffering. These acts of kindness and generosity reflect the core values of Christianity and serve as a tangible expression of love and solidarity within the community.

4. Sharing Meals and Fellowship

In addition to acts of charity, Good Friday is a time for families and friends to come together and share meals and fellowship. Whether hosting a traditional Easter feast or gathering for a simple meal at home where seafood dishes are prepared such as ducana (with or without raisins) and saltfish or stewed fish, fungi and some form of fish, Antiguans and Barbudans use this opportunity to strengthen bonds of kinship and friendship. Through shared laughter, conversation, and companionship, they find comfort and solace in each other’s presence, reaffirming the importance of community and connection in times of trial and tribulation.

Easter Monday Activities

1. Cultural Events and Festivals

What truly stands out during Easter time in Antigua and Barbuda is the Annual Easter Monday International Kite Flying Festival. As the wind picks up during this season, children and adults alike fly their ready-made and homemade kites high in the sky, right over Devil’s Bridge filling it with colour, splendour, character and creativity. It’s a delightful sight against the backdrop of the azure Caribbean Sea.

This year the festival is in its 19th year and will run from the 28th March 2024 to 1st April 2024.

The 2024 edition of the kite festival will see 3 days of kiting:

1) Thursday 28th March, Indoor Kite Fly at the Multi Purpose Cultural Center, 5pm to 9pm. Admission $5

2) Saturday 30th March, Kites and Cocktails (a night fly) at Splash Antigua 6pm to 10pm. Admission $40

3) Monday 1st April , Easter Monday Fun Fly at Devil’s Bridge, 9am to 7pm. Admission, adults $20, children 12 plus $10.

Easter Monday is also a time for cultural events and performances that showcase the rich heritage of Antigua and Barbuda. From traditional music and dance to storytelling and poetry readings, there’s always something happening on the islands to celebrate the diversity of Caribbean culture. Keep an eye out for special events and performances taking place at local venues, parks, and community centers, where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant rhythms and traditions of the region.

2. Beach Picnics and Family Gatherings

Easter Monday is the perfect opportunity to unwind and soak up the natural beauty of Antigua and Barbuda’s pristine beaches. Pack a picnic basket filled with local delicacies and head to one of the island’s many scenic spots, such as Darkwood Beach, Ffryes Beach, or Half Moon Bay. There are 365 beaches to choose from so, spread out a blanket on the soft sand, set up a beach umbrella for shade, and enjoy a leisurely meal with family and friends as you take in the stunning ocean views.

Beach picnics on Easter Monday often include a variety of games and activities to keep everyone entertained. From beach volleyball and soccer to frisbee and paddleball, there’s no shortage of options for active fun in the sun. Families with children can build sandcastles, fly kites, or go for a refreshing swim in the turquoise waters, while adults can relax with a book, work on their tan, or simply savor the moment with loved ones.

Conclusion: Easter Bliss in Antigua and Barbuda

Easter in Antigua and Barbuda are days filled with reverence, reflection, joy, unity, and celebration, where locals and visitors come together to enjoy the best that the islands have to offer. Where communities come together to honor the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and reaffirm their faith. Whether you’re at a church or religious gathering, relaxing on the beach, immersing yourself in the local culture, or indulging in delicious food and drink, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience that captures the true spirit of Antigua and Barbuda. So pack your sunscreen, gather your loved ones, and get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime for Easter in Antigua and Barbuda.


On Key

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